22 | Checking In & Changing Directions

Episode 022
By Ruth Montgomery
Duration: 00:41:13

Join Ruth Montgomery this week as she talks about changing directions, releasing who we once thought we were and allowing our identity to change as we grow.

As humans we are constantly evolving and adapting to new ideas and perceptions of ourselves - through careers, hobbies, skills, and roles within the family and our relationships to other people. Ruth shares her journey with releasing the idea that she was only a designer, and how that identity has shifted over the years to become a piece of her, not her entire identity. She reminds us that it's okay as we grow and we evolve for it to be messy. Not everyone is going to understand and they don't need to, because at the end of the day this journey is about you.

Journal Prompt Ideas:

  • What does happiness mean to me?

  • What do I love to do?

  • I would like to learn...

  • Where in my life can I be more creative?

  • Who inspires me? Why? What do I admire about them?

  • Where can I bring more joy into my life?

  • What do I know to be true?

Ruth Montgomery